SEPTEMBER 16, 2010


7:15 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present: Paula B. Keefe, Richard B. Gorden, Ellen W. Abelson and Mark J. Mazur.


  1. The Board reviewed and then signed a CP 1 report for fiscal year 2010.
  2. The Board reviewed a findings-of-fact concerning an Appellate Tax Board case that was decided in the Town’s favor.
  3. The Administrative Assessor reported to the Board on a recent conference he attended on Telecom appeals.  The Board discussed the matter and its implications for our overlay accounts and overlay to be released in the future.
  4. The Board decided to hold their next meeting on Thursday September 30, 2010 at 7:15 P.M.

7: 50 P.M. Adjourned